Thursday 15 October 2015

Possível Heel Turn para Dolph Ziggler

De acordo com o Wrestling Observer, é muito provável que Dolph Ziggler se torne heel brevemente e vença John Cena para se tornar o novo United States Champion.

Aqui fica o texto que o Wrestling Observer emitiu sobre o assunto:

"They had started Dolph Ziggler romancing Summer a few weeks ago, with the idea she was thinking of leaving Rusev, until the proposal that came out of nowhere and seemed to indicate a major change in storyline. Ziggler has since been removed from any interaction with Rusev or Summer, but there were teases of a heel turn. In theory, Cena should lose the U.S. title either on Raw on 10/19, or at the Hell in a Cell PPV, since he’s going on a sabbatical. He pinned Ziggler in a very good television match and there hasn’t been a tease of Cena with anyone else for the PPV. If Summer is to suddenly help Ziggler beat Cena, leading to a Rusev turn with a face Lana, then we can conclude they had a direction and likely changed it and sped it up with the engagement. But if Rusev has no program, that means the angle on Raw was to get out of the storyline and with no future direction. For Ziggler, the innocent bystander so to speak, the key would be that if Lana dumped him in storyline, he’d come off bad, so they had to walk away from his romance with Lana without damage to him.

Given Cena leaving, Ziggler is going to need some kind of a program going forward."
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